
发音:   用"最佳编码"造句
forced coding
optimal coding
optimum code
optimum coding coding
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  1. 2 ) appling the theory of information and code . this paper gives the code rule , detail code methods and decode principle of bit code and frame data code . also this paper researches and designs the lower power consumption and anti - jamming code at the signal source point
    2 )将信息论和编码理论应用于无线家庭安防系统中,给出了位码编码、帧数据编码的编码准则、具体编码方法及解码原理。研究并设计了信源端具有低功耗和抗干扰性能的最佳编码方法。
  2. Cascaded low - density erasure codes are based on sparse random bipartite graphs . very efficient linear time encoding and erasure recover algorithms with the arbitrarily near erasure channel capacity performance of the codes with respect to the algorithms have made them one of the most optimal coding techniques up to now
  3. For video codec , after analyzing and researching the newest standard h . 264 , an efficiency algorithm was proposed in this paper using self - feature , spatial correlation and temporal correlation to judge the encoding mode of one macro - block . through this method , the best prediction mode can be obtain before encoding , then , the coding time can be reduced dramatically with a little expense of bit - rate . for video transmission , in this paper , a transmit method was proposed using tcp / ip protocol under the environment of local networks
    首先,在分析及研究最新的视频编码标准h . 264的基础上,利用宏块自身的特点和其时间、空间的相关性来判断宏块应该采用的编码模式,从而提前得到该宏块的最佳编码模式,新方法有效地克服了原标准算法中穷举式的复杂算法,在压缩码流只有少许增加的情况下,大幅度地提高了帧内及帧间编码的速度。


  1. "最佳比例带"英文
  2. "最佳编剧"英文
  3. "最佳编剧(改编)"英文
  4. "最佳编剧(原作)"英文
  5. "最佳编剧奖"英文
  6. "最佳编码程式"英文
  7. "最佳编码程序"英文
  8. "最佳标价"英文
  9. "最佳标准"英文
  10. "最佳标准重力"英文


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