
发音:   用"期望线"造句
desire line
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  1. A new planning method - analysis of factors of point line and area and control points optimization , which is based on the analysis of urban spatial structure , is tried to put forward . analyzing the important functional clusters in the spatial layout of the urban , the intracity medium - long distance vehicle traffic major directional desire line how the urban to link up with the highway network and the whole structure of expressway system , the skeleton of the expressway network can be obtained . using the degree of importance method analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) , one or several intersections can be selected


  1. "期望完成"英文
  2. "期望完成时间"英文
  3. "期望误差"英文
  4. "期望现金流"英文
  5. "期望限度"英文
  6. "期望相对频率"英文
  7. "期望消费"英文
  8. "期望消逝时间"英文
  9. "期望效益"英文
  10. "期望效应"英文


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