
发音:   用"材料的整理"造句
arrangement of material
  • 材料:    material
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 整理:    arrange; put in or ...
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  1. Based on the analysis of the interview database , this paper summarizes the performance and the prominent causes of the deficiency of the poor undergraduates ' social capital , and put forward advice to develop it
  2. The research also discusses influence on teacher and student by practice in chemical instruction . we analyze and interpret the material of students " action , questionnaires , interviews and inquiry reports using qualitative research
  3. The management of the fire fighting archives refers to the process of transforming the file materials collected and identified by classifying , arranging , login directory , technical process , and bookbinding according to certain regulations , methods and procedure
  4. In this paper , some theories and methods relevant to economics , management , statistic and economic forecasting and policy - making technology are used . a complete and systematic study for the sustainable development strategy of electric power trades in hubei province is making , and the solving imagination in initial stage for countermeasure of strategy is also advanced . then , above study achievements are used for actual strategy research


  1. "材料的形状"英文
  2. "材料的性质"英文
  3. "材料的验收"英文
  4. "材料的预约供应"英文
  5. "材料的约当产量"英文
  6. "材料的整体性质"英文
  7. "材料的制备和性能"英文
  8. "材料的重复利用"英文
  9. "材料的装卸和处理"英文
  10. "材料登记卡"英文


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