
发音:   用"根培养基"造句
root medium
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  1. The results indicated taht the aminoacid sequence and 3 ' - utr nucleotide sequence identities varied largely
  2. Positive shoots were induced to root on medium ( l / 2ms - f - 50mg / l kan ) . rooted plants were planted in vermiculite and soil
    抗性芽经gus染色,呈阳性的植株移入生根培养基门o巧0mg ikan )中诱导根的形成。
  3. 3 . potato stems and agrobacterium fumefaciens containing recombinant vector were co - cultured at 28cfor 48 hours and transplanted onto callus - inducing medium at 24c for 7 days . and then , the explants were transplanted onto differentiation medium and cultured at 24c for 21 days . resistant buds rooted and grew into plants in medium with kanamycin for 20 days , and 83 plants were obtained
  4. The regeneration system of tobacco was established . the adventitious shoots were induced from leaf explants of tobacco based on ms basal medium supple - - mented with 2 . 0mg / l 6 - ba and 0 . 3mg / l naa . then the regenerated plants were rooted on ms medium containing 0 . 3mg / l naa
    植株再生体系的建立采用无菌苗烟草叶片为外植体,以ms为基本培养基,筛选出ms + 6 - ba2 . 0mg l + naa0 . 3mg l以诱导不定芽的分化,并于ms + naa0 . 3mg l的pa硕士学位论文v沉了砂“工队nk ”主根培养基上生根,获得完整再生植株。


  1. "根攀缘植物"英文
  2. "根攀植物"英文
  3. "根盘紧束"英文
  4. "根庞"英文
  5. "根培养"英文
  6. "根佩"英文
  7. "根佩尔"英文
  8. "根佩莱因"英文
  9. "根佩勒"英文
  10. "根啤酒蒸馏酒"英文


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