
发音:   用"植食类"造句
  • :    plant; grow; culti ...
  • :    a word used in per ...
  • 植食:    herbivore
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  1. The insect community of lichee orchard can be divided into 4 nutrient classes , which is phytophagous insect , predacity , parasite and saprophagous . the insect community also can be divided into 7 guilds : underground pest , eating - leaf - flower - fruit pest , puncture and suck pest , bristletail , predacity , parasite and moderate insect , and be divided into 32 groups , 41 dominance species and 10 key species
    荔枝园昆虫群落可划分为植食类,捕食类,寄生类,腐食类4个营养层; 7个功能集团:即地下害虫,食叶、花、果害虫,刺吸害虫,蛀干害虫,捕食类,寄生类,中性昆虫; 32个类群; 41个优势种; 10个关键物种。
  2. In the insect community of lichee orchard , the main dominant phytophagous insects are the olethreutes leucaspis meyrick , thalassodes quadraria guen6e , conopomorpha sinensis bradley , tessaratoma papillosa ( drury ) , aceria litchii ( kiefer ) , dasineura sp . , xylebonts fornicatus eichhoff , prodenia litvara fabricius , empoasca flavescens ( fab . )


  1. "植生圆"英文
  2. "植绳运输"英文
  3. "植时"英文
  4. "植食"英文
  5. "植食动物"英文
  6. "植食性"英文
  7. "植食性的"英文
  8. "植食性的;草食性的;素食的"英文
  9. "植食性动物"英文
  10. "植食性昆虫"英文


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