
发音:   用"模糊事件"造句
fuzzy event
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  1. Fuzzy probability calculation of submarine accidents
  2. ( 5 ) based on an empirical formula , in terms of soil shear velocity , to evaluate soil liquefaction , which is simple to handle and prospective in further application , the author presents , in the probabilistic and fuzzy way , the formulae for the evaluation of liquefaction probability and fuzzy probability at given depths and for a fuzzy evaluation of liquefaction hazard of the total soil layers
  3. If either of strength and stress is stochastic variable and another is fuzzy variable , the . fuzzy variable can be transformed to section number on the assumption that the probability of fuzzy variable taking some points in that section is proportional to its value of membership function respectively , then the probability of structural fuzzy event is transformed to general probability with stochastic strength and stress variables and can be solved by general probability theory


  1. "模糊神经网络控制器"英文
  2. "模糊神经网络系统"英文
  3. "模糊神经元网络"英文
  4. "模糊神经原"英文
  5. "模糊识别"英文
  6. "模糊事件的独立性"英文
  7. "模糊事件的独立性 模糊事件独立性"英文
  8. "模糊事件的可能性"英文
  9. "模糊事件独立性"英文
  10. "模糊事件均值"英文


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