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  1. The last time china issued a euro bond was in october 2003 when it sold ? 400 of a 2008 issue . that bond has performed well in recent months
    中国上一次发行欧元债券是在2003年10月,当时发行数量为4亿欧元, 2008年到期。这笔债券在最近几个月里市场表现良好。
  2. High degrees of liquidity are being enjoyed , and in the bond market issuance in euro quickly overtook the combined issuance levels of the former component currencies
  3. Bankers close to the deal said european pension funds and banks had offered more than ? 4bn for the 10 - year bond china ' s largest euro - denominated issue
  4. The euro tranche , with a coupon of 4 . 25 per cent , was priced to yield 40 basis points over the swap rate a measure of the interest charged by banks when lending to each other
    此次欧元债券的票面利率为4 . 25 % ,其定价较掉期利率贴水40个基点,所谓掉期利率指的是银行间相互借贷时的利率指标。
  5. Unlike previous euro - denominated issues from china , which had attracted interest from domestic banks , raising questions over the genuine strength of demand , only 3 . 5 per cent of the orders came from chinese institutions
    与中国以前发行的欧元债券不同,此次仅有3 . 5 %的买单来自中国的金融机构,而以前发行时都曾吸引过国内银行的兴趣,从而导致外界对债券真正需求强度的怀疑。


  1. "欧元欧洲单一货币制度"英文
  2. "欧元区"英文
  3. "欧元区硬币"英文
  4. "欧元区中央银行"英文
  5. "欧元银行同业拆息"英文
  6. "欧元周刊"英文
  7. "欧约斯"英文
  8. "欧月昌"英文
  9. "欧云"英文
  10. "欧云阿布海特"英文


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