
发音:   用"法律保证"造句
legal guarantee
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  1. Environmental impact assessment law is legal guarantee of sustainable development strategy
  2. Meanwhile , indonesian health minister siti fadilah supari says the country wants a legal guarantee that bird flu samples its sends to the world health organization will not be used for commercial gain
  3. “ when the laws undertake to . . . grant . . . exclusive privileges , to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful , the humble members of society . . . have a right to complain of the injustice of their government ” ( andrew jackson )
    “如果法律保证排他的特权,从而使富者更富有,有权有势者更有权势,那么生活于社会下层的人们就有权力指责他们政府的不公平” (安德鲁?杰克) 。
  4. During the wassenaar negotiations , the claims conference signed protocal no . 1 and protocal no . 2 of the luxembourg treaty with the federal republic of germany through coordinating negotiation position with israel . , which not only provided the legal insurance for the world jewish organizations to obtain the reparations from the federal republic of germany but also laid an important legal foundation for the jewish victims to claim the personal compensation from the federal republic of germany
    在瓦森纳尔谈判中, “要求赔偿联合会”通过与以色列协调谈判立场,成功地与联邦德国签署了《卢森堡条约》第一议定书和第二议定书,既为世界犹太人组织从联邦德国获得战争赔偿提供了法律保证,也为日后犹太人受害者向联邦德国寻求个人赔偿奠定了重要法律基础。
  5. Although the practices of different countries varied from each other owing to the difference of the situation of the country , they generally provided institutional support service , legal assurance service , financial support service , fiscal support service , technological support service , human resources service , consulting and diagnosing service and information support service to support the development of smes


  1. "法律保护费"英文
  2. "法律保护伞"英文
  3. "法律保障"英文
  4. "法律保障(措施)"英文
  5. "法律保障他们享受自己的权利"英文
  6. "法律报"英文
  7. "法律备忘录"英文
  8. "法律本地化"英文
  9. "法律变更的调整"英文
  10. "法律标"英文


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