
发音:   用"流体动力学方法"造句
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  1. This paper examines the fluid dynamical characteristics of the duct flow in a swirlmeter by using the computational fluid dynamics approach
  2. The finite element simulation with computational fluid dynamics ( cfd ) method was used to calculate the heat dissipation by airflow and the temperature distribution in passenger compartment of a car . the reasonability of three models as above mentioned was validated
  3. Local discomfort is an important reason of human discomfort in winter air condition room . basis of the method of computation fluid dynamics , through phoenics computation simulation , with the premise that flow and temperature distribution is basically consistent , the article further analyzes the distribution regulation of indoor parameters in air condition room and reflects the characters which ca n ' t give out and reveal only by experience and practical measurement on the spot . at the same time , it provides some very excellent forecast and evaluation methods by use of cfd


  1. "流体动力学的相互作用"英文
  2. "流体动力学的圆柱绕流定理"英文
  3. "流体动力学定律"英文
  4. "流体动力学动"英文
  5. "流体动力学方程"英文
  6. "流体动力学会"英文
  7. "流体动力学家"英文
  8. "流体动力学进样"英文
  9. "流体动力学扩散"英文
  10. "流体动力学理论"英文


世界上最致命的动物 第一名居然不是人类  (双语)
各种"区"该如何翻译   (翻译经验)

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