
发音:   用"液化天然气运输船"造句
liquefied natural gas carrier
liquefied natural gas tanker
liquid natural gas carrier
liquified natural gas carrier
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  1. Qatari company signed a contract with two south korean shipbuilding giants to construct the world ' s largest liquified natural gas ( lng ) carriers at a cost of 2 . 5 billion dollars
  2. A qatari company signed a contract with two south korean shipbuilding giants to construct the world ' s largest liquified natural gas ( lng ) carriers at a cost of 2 . 5 billion dollars
  3. In the eia , only one marine access route for the lng carrier to black point is considered viable , from the east lamma channel , and transiting through the ma wan channel , urmston road before berthing at black point
  4. Qatar gas transport , which has already received four carriers over the past two years , intends to invest a total of 16 billion dollars to have a fleet of 61 carriers by 2010 , its chairman faisal al - suwaidi said at the signing ceremony in doha
  5. Some of the major reasons stated by clp for preferring soko is that area of reclamation is smaller , project lead time is faster , and the potential hazard of the marine transit of the lng carrier is less . however , wwf considers that some of the information given in the eia for black point in relation to these points is misleading


  1. "液化天然气汽车的英语单词"英文
  2. "液化天然气输运"英文
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  4. "液化天然气液化天然气"英文
  5. "液化天然气用低温泵"英文
  6. "液化天然气运输系统"英文
  7. "液化天然气蒸发气体"英文
  8. "液化天燃气"英文
  9. "液化天燃气[载运]船"英文
  10. "液化烃"英文


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