
发音:   用"混合信号处理"造句
msmixed signal processing
  • 混合:    mix; blend; mingle ...
  • 信号:    signal; semaphore; ...
  • 处理:    deal or cope with
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  1. Make use of american advanced amplifier with computer cpu . take choice of american cygnal advanced mixed signal treatment system
  2. This thesis treats an important problem in power quality , a new combined arithmetic to processing the power quality signal of extensive damage is shown , and power quality signal is recognized by expert system
  3. The part trajectory planning and control : the simulating table " movement trajectorys are planning . the overall control structure for control the simulating table is brought forward . the fully integrated mixed - signal system - on - a - chip " c8051f020 is introduced simply , and design lower level controller with it
    轨迹规划和控制部分:规划了仿真转台的运动路径,提出了控制仿真转台的总体控制结构,简单介绍了构成下位机的混合信号处理级单片机c8051f020 ,并设计了软件的总体结构及其流程图。
  4. Fortune semiconductor corp . ( fsc ) , founded in 1995 , positioned as an ic - supplier in the field of mixed signal processing technology , whose products ' main application fields are battery management , power management , electronic scales , digital multimeters , health - care products , and energy utilization measurement


  1. "混合信贷"英文
  2. "混合信贷计划"英文
  3. "混合信道指配"英文
  4. "混合信号"英文
  5. "混合信号测试"英文
  6. "混合信号仿真"英文
  7. "混合信号集成电路"英文
  8. "混合信号集成电路(4,563类)"英文
  9. "混合信号模拟器"英文
  10. "混合信号设计"英文


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