
发音:   用"混沌之"造句
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  1. Grave digger : so you have the blades , the skin as pale as the moon . you are the one in dead , perhaps athens will survive at that
    掘墓人: “你带着那混沌之刃,你的皮肤就像月光那样苍白。你是就那个不死的幽灵,也许雅典会因为你获救。 ”
  2. Artemis : kratos , the gods demand more of you , you have learned to use the blades of chaos well , but they alone will not carry you to the end of your task
    阿耳忒弥斯: “克瑞托斯,众神对你的期许更高了,你已经学会了如何去使用混沌之刃,但是它门不足以让你完成你最终的使命。
  3. The thick , compact branches and leaves of the mountain forest seem to vibrate , just like tens of thousands of birds fluttering their wings in retreat to their warm , pleasant , safe nests . the whole of this painting diffuses the humble yet overwhelming beauty of a quiet mountain forest
  4. The judgement formula for high and low speed landslide and a new theory of stiffness - effect instability are presented for the instability of planar - sliding slope by the catastrophe theory . it is pointed out that the limit equilibrium stability analysis method of rigidity body has a lot of defects . the relationship between the action of outside environment and the response of slope system is complicatedly nonlinear according to the nonlinear dynamics model of slope evolution built


  1. "混沌战甲"英文
  2. "混沌战士"英文
  3. "混沌真言"英文
  4. "混沌振荡器"英文
  5. "混沌振动"英文
  6. "混沌之锤"英文
  7. "混沌之风"英文
  8. "混沌之界"英文
  9. "混沌之景"英文
  10. "混沌之血苹果"英文


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