
发音:   "港口吞吐能力"的汉语解释   用"港口吞吐能力"造句
harbor capacity
harbour capacity
  • 港口:    port; harbour; nav ...
  • 吞吐:    swallow and spit; ...
  • 能力:    ability; capacity; ...
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  1. An analysis of the petrochemical ports insufficiency in the delta of the pearl river
  2. It is reported from moc : the harbor cargo throughput and containers throughput of chinese has situated at first in the world continuously for three years
    记者从交通部获悉:我国港口货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量连续三年稳居世界第一, "十一五"期间沿海港口吞吐能力将近翻一番。
  3. By analyzing the phenomenon of " rush " of port construction around china and the influence of the gap between port capacity and their actual throughput , from the need to further develop the theory of port construction , this paper puts forward the idea of establishing early warning management system to the investment risk of regional port projects from such aspects as the purpose , object , procedure and sigificance of the study
  4. With the adjustment of our economic structure , the speedy developing steps of coastal cities " economy and the implementing of the strategy of exploiting western area , lianyungang port witnesses its yearly increase of container cargo volume . as a result , its present fundamental facilities have to overworked severely , which breaks the balance between its fundamental facilities and throughput capacities , and hinders a much stronger momentums of cargo quantity increase
  5. The coastal harbors , the keys in the coal transportation system , have been invested in last 15 years by center government . so that the bottle - neck of the coastal coal transportation system has been broken . the capacity of harbors and ships can meet the demand of coal transportation to the national economy development
    煤炭海运港口作为该运输系统的一个重要环节, “七五” 、 “八五”期间国家投入大量资金对其进行建设,目前沿海煤炭运输的瓶颈现象已基本消失,港口吞吐能力、船舶运力基本可以满足国家经济建设对煤炭海上运输的需求。


  1. "港口统计资料"英文
  2. "港口图"英文
  3. "港口吞吐量"英文
  4. "港口吞吐量预测"英文
  5. "港口吞吐量增长率"英文
  6. "港口拖船"英文
  7. "港口拖轮"英文
  8. "港口拖轮港作船"英文
  9. "港口托拉斯"英文
  10. "港口外堤"英文



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