
发音:   用"滑面内质网"造句
agranular endoplasmic reticulum
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum
  • 滑面:    sliding surface; s ...
  • :    inner; inside; wit ...
  • :    nature; character; ...
  • :    net
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  1. But the smooth endoplasmic reticulum ( ser ) increased heavily
  2. The multivesiculae bodies , as well as the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulums , are considered as the sources of new membranes . mitochondria provide energy not only for the degradation of microvilli , but also for the resynthesis of the photoreceptor membrane
  3. Under the electric microscope , there is abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum ( rer ) , golgi complex and mitochondria in the cytoplasm of the chief cell , but there is also some smooth endoplasmic reticulum ( ser ) and microtubule in the cytoplasm . so we support the view that this type cell secretes the digestive enzyme and hydrochloric acid ( hcl ) . there is not tunica muscularis mucosae and intestinal gland in the small intestine
  4. The number of mitochondrion is more less than the endoplasmic reticulum , and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the main kind of the endoplasmic reticulum ; golgi bodies and lysosomes emerge in the secondary spermatocyte stage . finally , these organelles change into pre - acrosome vesicles which become acrosome at last . sinopotamon chekiangense during the spermatogenensis , chronmatins condense at different level until middle spermatid stage
  5. The main pictures are as follows : distended rough endoplasmic retieula ; remarkably decreased number of rough endoplasmic relicula and degranulstion ; dilatated and vacuolized smooth endoplssmic reticola ; swollened nad deformed mitochondria ; destroyed structure of mitoehondria ; remarkable decrease in glycogenosomes , even disapparence of glycogenosomes


  1. "滑门手柄操纵机构"英文
  2. "滑面"英文
  3. "滑面;滑动面"英文
  4. "滑面接头"英文
  5. "滑面接头 ,扯接"英文
  6. "滑面微粒体"英文
  7. "滑模"英文
  8. "滑模;活动板模"英文
  9. "滑模变结构控制理论"英文
  10. "滑模衬砌"英文


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