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diffuse reflector
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  1. This paper realized the aumotic detection of assembling angle position of intravenous needles by image technology . during the study , this paper designed light with a piece of white paper and halogen lamp to take the images of intravenous needles ; analyzed in detail hu moment invariants of digital image , amended i7 and chose i1 ~ i5 and amended i7 as eigenvector groups ; put forward a method of angle recognition based hu moment invariants ; the methods above were employed by vc + + , and a prototype system of software is compiled
    在输液针的角度识别的研究过程中,用卤素灯和白纸构建了一个漫反射体作为输液针图像获取理想的光源;分析了矩不变量的不变性,修正了矩不变量i _ 7 ,选用了i _ 1 i _ 5和修正后的i _ 7来提取输液针图像的特征;针对输液针图像的特点,提出了一种基于矩不变量的角度识别方法;在开发平台vc + + 6 . 0上编写了一个输液针角度识别的软件原型系统,实现了其算法。


  1. "漫反射目标"英文
  2. "漫反射能力"英文
  3. "漫反射谱"英文
  4. "漫反射器"英文
  5. "漫反射腔"英文
  6. "漫反射系数"英文
  7. "漫反射因数"英文
  8. "漫反射罩"英文
  9. "漫封面"英文
  10. "漫辐射"英文


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