
发音:   用"灵与肉"造句
body &soul
body and soul
flesh and fantasy
  • :    quick; clever; bri ...
  • :    take part in; part ...
  • :    meat; flesh
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  1. As mentioned earlier , you actualize events from the present intersection of spirit and flesh , choosing them from probabilities according to your beliefs
  2. At its finest music is a transcendental state that involves all parts of you , and all owns you to exist on the crest of a wave , in the exact moment of the present as you perform each part of music
  3. Light and is heavy , works with the meat , these phrases , in thepresent , appear have the enticement , also is that dialectical , howdebates clearly , elder brother germany pulls has this charm , this isthe novel chapter title , what can be able to see from the title
  4. Such philosophical concerns as the mind - body problem or , more generally , the nature of human knowledge they believe , are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested
    他们相信,诸如灵与肉的问题,或更普遍而言,人类知识的性质等此类哲学关注,均是一些基本的人类问题,其探索性的哲学* *已构成一个必要的基础,其它所有的智力思辩均赖以建立其上。
  5. Such philosophical concerns as the mind - body problem or , more generally , the nature of human knowledge they believe , are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested


  1. "灵翼龙族的盟友"英文
  2. "灵翼水晶"英文
  3. "灵隐寺"英文
  4. "灵游记"英文
  5. "灵佑"英文
  6. "灵与欲"英文
  7. "灵域对话"英文
  8. "灵欲春宵"英文
  9. "灵欲的乐章"英文
  10. "灵欲思凡"英文



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