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[热学] entropy production
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  1. On the basis of the analysis of the thermodynamics entropy , the thermodynamics entropy of the road traffic system is built up , and the mechanism of the entropy producing is revealed
  2. The dynamic adjustment of an alluvial river has a tendency that the entropy production or the rate of energy dissipation of flow is minimum rather than the entropy is maximum when a river is in a relative equilibrium condition
  3. And others are found , and the expression of minimum rate of energy dissipation of flow is re - derived based on the theory of minimum entropy production . ( 2 ) it will be pointed out that the entropy is different from the entropy production in a river system
    ( 2 )指出河流系统中的熵与熵产生是两个不同的概念,冲积河流在调整过程中,力求使水流的熵产生或能耗率趋于最小值,而不是使熵趋于最大值。
  4. The two basic theories of non - equilibrium thermodynamics , the minimum entropy production and the dissipative structure , are introduced . it will be shown that , by using the relationship between the entropy production and the rate of energy dissipation , the minimum entropy production is equivalent to the minimum rate of energy dissipation
  5. The super entropy produce criterion is a good tool to judge the system ' s abrupt change from a lower grade to a higher one . in this paper the entropy of the urban resource - environment system was defined , and in an example of its application the super entropy produce criterion of the urban resource - environment system reflected the real developmental process of the whole system . furthermore , in this paper , a new model for the grid size optimization of the finite element method ( applied to the water quality modeling of the topographically complicated river ) was brought forward based on the maximum information entropy theory in condition that the length of gird was given


  1. "熵捕获"英文
  2. "熵补偿原理"英文
  3. "熵不等式"英文
  4. "熵参数"英文
  5. "熵层"英文
  6. "熵产生率"英文
  7. "熵产生原理"英文
  8. "熵常数"英文
  9. "熵单位"英文
  10. "熵弹簧"英文


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