
发音:   用"特别补偿"造句
special compensation
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  1. If the salvor has failed , due to his negligence , to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment , he may be totally or partly deprived of the right to the special compensation
  2. If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimize the pollution damage to the environment , the salvor may be totally or partly deprived of the right to the special compensation
  3. Under all circumstances , the total special compensation defined in this clause shall be paid only if such compensation is greater than the reward recoverable by the salvor under clause 7 of this contract , and the amount to be paid shall be the difference between the special compensation and the reward
  4. The court which has entertained the suit or the arbitration organization may , if it deems fair and just and taking into consideration the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 180 of this code , render a judgment or an award further increasing the amount of such special compensation , but in no event shall the total increase be more than 100 % of the expenses incurred by the salvor
  5. If the salvor has carried out the salvage operations prescribed in the preceding paragraph and has prevented or minimized pollution damage to the environment , the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph 1 of this article may be increased by an amount up to a maximum of 30 % of the expenses incurred by the salvor


  1. "特别拨款令"英文
  2. "特别拨款令;特别支款授权书"英文
  3. "特别拨款申请"英文
  4. "特别波分量"英文
  5. "特别捕鱼权"英文
  6. "特别补充规定"英文
  7. "特别补助金"英文
  8. "特别不动产遗赠, 专项不动产遗赠"英文
  9. "特别部门资料源"英文
  10. "特别裁定"英文


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