
[ lángyānsìqǐ ]发音:   "狼烟四起"的汉语解释   用"狼烟四起"造句
warning signals of approaching enemy forces are seen on all sides.; smoke signals rising on all sides -- war alarms raised everywhere; with alarms raised at all border posts
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  1. When the middle east is ablaze , oil prices near record highs , the american economy cooling and the climate warming , it is hard to get excited about the beaching of trade talks
  2. From late nineteenth century to now , several big tides of mergers and acquisitions ( m & a ) have taken placed in the world , especially the fifth tide that has taken placed in the nineties of twentieth century , takes the longest time with the biggest model . the characteristic of m & a in this period is that a lot of very big and famous corporations ally with other ones
  3. As china entered into the world trade organization , china speeds up her opening up to the outside , and international retailing magnates also speed up their anabasis into china . as a result , the competition of china retailing industry is more furious than ever , and the home retailing firms are facing grim stress and challenges


  1. "狼牙项链"英文
  2. "狼牙修"英文
  3. "狼咽"英文
  4. "狼烟"英文
  5. "狼烟;征兆,象征。"英文
  6. "狼眼石"英文
  7. "狼易其衣,不改其性"英文
  8. "狼易其衣不改其性"英文
  9. "狼音"英文
  10. "狼音, 粗厉音"英文



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