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  1. I didn ' t mean to insult you . we could probably get five
  2. The five endogenous pathogens refer to the pathological changes caused by the dysfunction of qi , blood , body fluid and the zang - fu organs , namely endogenous wind , endogenous cold , endogenous dryness , endogenous fire and endogenous dampness
  3. After my whole family had meditated and recited the holy names for my father for a while , i saw many saints , including the three treasure buddhas , standing side by side above my father s body , while master s appearance changed from quan yin bodhisattva to ladies with modern dresses . five minutes after my father s death , my oldest sister , second sister and younger sister , none of whom were vegetarian , also saw all the saints and local gods worshipped in all the temples in ilan passing by one by one like cartoon figures on my father s bed curtain . later , my younger sister saw beautiful scenery and buildings where numerous saints lived that she had never seen before


  1. "生无大志"英文
  2. "生无可恋"英文
  3. "生无可恋甘为鬼"英文
  4. "生无怨死无悔"英文
  5. "生武松"英文
  6. "生雾"英文
  7. "生物"英文
  8. "生物 农业 文学"英文
  9. "生物 生理学"英文
  10. "生物 植物 生理学 微生物学 农业 林业"英文


“现在几点了”不是 “What time is it now”! 一定要记住了!
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