
发音:   用"生态脚印"造句
ecological footprint
  • 生态:    organism's habits; ...
  • 脚印:    footprint
  • 脚印:    footprint; footmar ...
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  1. The aspects which i specified in the draft versions of my thesis , for example , building energy performance , energy conservation models , relationship between building energy efficiency and energy conservation , description for keeping natural environmental conditions within the building , address the following problem of 1992 the governments signed the united nations framework convention on climate change ( fccc ) at the earth summit in rio de janeiro , buildings impact on natural resources and environment , to use “ ecological footprint ” concept and measuring for assessing the impact on resources and environment from use of energy in buildings , method for obtain local climate weather profiles , features of nz weather and how the weather profile associating with indoor conditions , occupants ' interface with indoor thermal conditions , history of nz building energy conservation , operation scheduling technique , analysis of nature lights and energy saving , hvac modeling , doe2 simulation methodology , layout of the figures , tables , and contents , conclusions and so on are taken as her group ' s own contents and going on research topics


  1. "生态建筑"英文
  2. "生态礁"英文
  3. "生态交错带假说"英文
  4. "生态交错区"英文
  5. "生态交替现象"英文
  6. "生态劫数"英文
  7. "生态结构"英文
  8. "生态界"英文
  9. "生态界面"英文
  10. "生态金字塔"英文


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