
发音:   用"由滨"造句
  • :    cause; reason
  • :    bank of river; bea ...
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  1. Other islands that rise from offshore bars within a bay, or that from spits, commonly show the same shoreline characteristics .
  2. A thick creamy east indian stew made with lentils , onions , and various spices
  3. The magnetic susceptibility of dianchi lake modern sediment decreases progressively from the edge to the middle of the lake , distributes with the heavy mineral of sediment basically unanimous , increases along with the degree of depth , negatively correlates with the total phosphorus
  4. The coqen basin in xizang lies between the bangong - nujiang suture zone and yarlung zangbo suture zone , and once extended northwards and southwards , respectively centred by the qiekan - goicang - asog rift zone as the center of deposition and subsidence during the middle jurassic to the early creatceous . ( 1 ) during the middle - late jurassic , the rift zone was occupied by deep - water turbidites , radiolarian siliceous rocks , shallow - water carbonate rocks , clastic rocks and basic - ultrabasic rocks , while both sides of it by littoral and shallow marine elastic rocks and carbonate rocks


  1. "由标准程序的说明"英文
  2. "由标准库装入"英文
  3. "由表及里"英文
  4. "由表入里"英文
  5. "由别人介绍的初次约会"英文
  6. "由兵卫"英文
  7. "由病毒而引起的溃疡"英文
  8. "由病菌引起或感染的"英文
  9. "由并"英文
  10. "由并列连词"英文


囧研究:女性更易对生活满意,但...    (双语)

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