
发音:   用"电荷测量"造句
charge measurement
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  1. New method for measuring the wall charge of ac plasma display panel under arbitrary driving waveform
  2. Recommended practice for the detection of partial discharge and the measurement of apparent charge in dry - type transformers
  3. In this paper , space charge distribution in dc composite insulator frp rod materials after negative dc high voltage application was measured by pea method and the results were analyzed and discussed
  4. Cosmic ray test was carried out to choose and optimize working parameters of full - length prototype and its data acquisition system , verify the electronics system about dynamic range , drift time measurement search window , charge measurement integral width , work stability and electronics grounding and noise . . in experiment , acquired abundant experience with the solution of actual problem and verified their reliability of physical design . this lays the foundations for the successful construction of the besiii drift chamber and electrical system
  5. This paper comparatively analyzes three more practical measurement methods of surface charge distribution on dielectric in vacuum environment : surface potential measurement method , electrostatic capacitive probe measurement method , pockels effect reflecting measurement method , expounds some newly researched productions , and at last puts forward some new problems to be solved in this field


  1. "电荷补偿原则"英文
  2. "电荷不变性"英文
  3. "电荷不平衡"英文
  4. "电荷不足"英文
  5. "电荷测定"英文
  6. "电荷差"英文
  7. "电荷弛豫时间"英文
  8. "电荷充电"英文
  9. "电荷储存"英文
  10. "电荷储存变容器"英文


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