
发音:   用"相似定律"造句
affinity law
law of similarity
law of similitude
model law
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  1. Discussion of cavitation affinity law for pumps
  2. Von kormon ' s transonic similarity rule
  3. The scaling law is a power law if , and only if , a characteristic dimension is absent
    2 、证明相似定律是依尺寸相似比的乘幂关系的规律。
  4. Presents the energy saving principle of a frequency - controlled pump and points out the applicability of the law of similitude for centrifugal pumps and the conception of constant efficiency curves
  5. According to pump performance curve shown we can get that the distance h is changed with the rotate speed n in the same point q , and the flux q is changed with the rotate speed n in the same point h . from the curve we can get the rule that the distance and rotate speed are in direct with ratio at the same flux point , and the rotate speed and the flux are also in direct with ratio at the same distance point


  1. "相似地"英文
  2. "相似点"英文
  3. "相似点与相异点"英文
  4. "相似电路"英文
  5. "相似定理"英文
  6. "相似度"英文
  7. "相似度指数"英文
  8. "相似断层"英文
  9. "相似对称的"英文
  10. "相似多边形"英文


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