
发音:   用"真空灌装机"造句
vacuum filler
vacuum filling machine
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  1. There are great variety in the 13 series of labeling machines , computer vision empty bottle inspection systems , and multifunction pre - vacuum filling machines dy produced . dy has also been the first in the field for several times , eg . the first to produce " double sided four label labeling machine " and " digital control labeling machine "
    所生产的十三个系列的贴标机机器视觉空瓶验瓶机多功能系列的预真空灌装机,规格品种全,并在国内率先推出"双面四标机"和"数控四标机"等多个国内"第一" ,产品畅销全国,广受好评。
  2. Asset of 4580 , 000 yuan , and employs a highly qualified staff of 82 including technical specialists with medium or senior professional titles . our main products , e . g . gap serial microvacuum - nonpressure filling machine , cb80 - 8 automatic linear filling machine , tn60c tn100a adhesive brander , fx - 8 multi - functional auto cap covering machine , tn 150 adhesive label brander etc . , have obtained 3 national patents , and have passed the evaluation and authentication of gangs technical monitoring bureau with the authoritative no . y96f2606 - 32


  1. "真空罐式洒布机"英文
  2. "真空罐式液肥洒布机"英文
  3. "真空罐制盐"英文
  4. "真空灌肠机"英文
  5. "真空灌装;真空充填"英文
  6. "真空光电二极管"英文
  7. "真空光电辐射元件"英文
  8. "真空光电管"英文
  9. "真空光电元件"英文
  10. "真空光具座"英文


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