
[ dūzhàn ]发音:   "督战"的汉语解释   用"督战"造句
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  1. No one knows what is coming . but i can tell you , papa , that our heroic spirit , the truly antique valour of the russian army , which theyit , i mean , he corrected himself showed in the fight of the 26th well , there are no words that can do justice to it . he smote himself on the chest just as he had seen a general do , who had used much the same phrases before himbut he was a little too late , for the blow on the chest should properly have been at the words , the russian army . i can assure you , papa , that we officers , so far from having to urge the soldiers on , or anything of the sort , had much ado to keep in check this yes , these exploits recalling the valour of antiquity , he rattled off
    但我概括起来跟您说吧,爸爸,在二十六日那次战役中,俄国部队, ”他又更正说, “整个俄军所表现或者显示的英雄气概,和俄军自古以来的勇敢精神,是无法用恰当的词汇来描写的告诉您吧,爸爸他拍着胸脯说,就像一位在他面前讲话的将军拍过胸脯一样,但拍得早了一点,应该是在说到俄军时捶胸,坦白地告诉您吧,我们做长官的不仅不用督战什么的,我们还能奋力保持住这种,这种这个,勇敢的自古以来的功勋, ”他急不择言地说。


  1. "督学所进行的视察"英文
  2. "督伊德教的"英文
  3. "督因河"英文
  4. "督印河"英文
  5. "督俞"英文
  6. "督正"英文
  7. "督政府"英文
  8. "督主教, 总督"英文
  9. "督瓒"英文
  10. "毒"英文


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