
发音:   用"石竹花"造句
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  1. He dropped down on his knees, and put them one by one together, smelling at the pinks, to hide the violence of his feelings .
  2. She stood in the little front garden , looking at the dewy flowers , the grey bed of pinks in bud already
  3. The sunflower says : " i think the rose is the most beautiful . " " why ? " the pink and lily are unhanppy
    太阳花说: “我认为玫瑰花最美。 ” “为什么? ”石竹花和百合花都不高兴了。
  4. Sweet - briar and southernwood , jasmine , pink , and rose have long been yielding their evening sacrifice of incense : this new scent is neither of shrub nor flower ; it is - i know it well - it is mr . rochester s cigar . i look round and i listen
  5. How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object , lifting it a little way , as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly , and then leave it . . . if that mark was made by a nail , it can ' t have been for a picture , it must have been for a miniature ? the miniature of a lady with white powdered curls , powder ? dusted cheeks , and lips like red carnations
    我们的思绪是多么容易一哄而上,簇拥着一件新鲜事物,像一群蚂蚁狂热地抬一根稻草一样,抬了一会,又把它扔在那里… …如果这个斑点是一只钉子留下的痕迹,那一定不是为了挂一幅油画,而是为了挂一幅小肖像画? ?一幅卷发上扑着白粉、脸上抹着脂粉、嘴唇像红石竹花的贵妇人肖像。


  1. "石蛛术"英文
  2. "石竹"英文
  3. "石竹病毒组"英文
  4. "石竹蛋白石"英文
  5. "石竹纲"英文
  6. "石竹花叶簿"英文
  7. "石竹科"英文
  8. "石竹科的"英文
  9. "石竹科型"英文
  10. "石竹科植物麦蓝菜"英文


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