
发音:   用"确定性有限状态自动机"造句
deterministic finite state automata
  • 确定性:    determinacy; certa ...
  • 有限:    limited; restricte ...
  • 状态:    status; state; con ...
  • 自动:    voluntarily; of on ...
  • :    machine; engine
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  1. ( 2 ) based on dfsa algorithm ( deterministic finite state automaton ) and combined with quick search algorithm , this paper analyses and implements a new multi - pattern string match algorithm that consumes less half of memory space of standard dfsa algorithm
    该算法是以确定性有限状态自动机( dfsa )为基础,结合quicksearch算法而提出的,可以用来提高主题爬行器的网页分析和web网页分类器的速度。
  2. Process behavior and process state have some kind of intrinsic relations . this paper discusses the relation based on the category and integrated deterministic finite automaton . this paper established a process detection model based on category ( cpdm ) , and proposed a state - based process detection technique
    本文以范畴论为基础,结合确定性有限状态自动机,对这种关系进行了研究和论证,建立了基于范畴论的进程检测模型( cpdm , processdetectionmodelbasedoncategory ) ,并在此基础上给出了基于状态的进程检测技术。


  1. "确定性研究"英文
  2. "确定性因素, 可信度因子"英文
  3. "确定性由下而上文法"英文
  4. "确定性有限树自动机"英文
  5. "确定性有限态机器"英文
  6. "确定性有限自动机"英文
  7. "确定性有限自动机字列搜寻"英文
  8. "确定性与随机性佩特里网路"英文
  9. "确定性与值态的独立性"英文
  10. "确定性语言"英文



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