
发音:   用"私人行为"造句
private or trade activity(acts jure gestionis)
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  1. Besides , in the actions of a statesman , one must distinguish between his acts as a private person and as a general or an emperor
    安德烈公爵说道, “而且在一个国家活动家的行为上,必须分清,什么是私人行为,什么是统帅或皇帝的行为。
  2. In the second part , the author discusses the doctrine of state action which solve the problem of the effect of american constitution in the private realm . firstly , the author retrospect the origin of the doctrine of state action , then , explains the three instances that can apply the doctrine of state action . theses instances involve the performance of “ public functions ” , judicial enforcement of private discrimination , and the significant state involvement
  3. Whether an individual is under the protection of the personal data privacy ordinance if he or she is watched furtively while doing a private act at a private place ; if so , as the offender in the above incident was not prosecuted , whether this reflects the existence of loopholes or ambiguities in the existing legislation ; and
  4. He generously imputed the whole to his mistaken pride , and confessed that he had before thought it beneath him to lay his private actions open to the world . his character was to speak for itself . he called it , therefore , his duty to step forward , and endeavour to remedy an evil which had been brought on by himself


  1. "私人信息公司"英文
  2. "私人信箱"英文
  3. "私人信用"英文
  4. "私人兴建的房屋"英文
  5. "私人兴建之房屋"英文
  6. "私人养老金计划"英文
  7. "私人业主, 独资业主"英文
  8. "私人医疗顾问"英文
  9. "私人医生"英文
  10. "私人医院"英文


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