
发音:   用"积分核"造句
integral kernel
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  1. This dissertation introduces a regularization algorithm to tackle the problems of the nearly singular integrals . in the algorithm , the singular factor is removed from the kernel functions in the singular integrals by means of integration by parts
  2. The fipwa based on electric integral equation ( efie ) is presented firstly , the green ’ s function expansion with sommerfeld identity ( based on bessel kernel ) is studied and the msdp for two cases is formulated . in order to improve the iteration property and avoid inner resonance , the combined field integral equation ( cfie ) fipwa is then constructed successfully
  3. Since complicated differential and integral operations were involved in the kernel of the integral equation , we simplified the equation and got the nakano equation . as instances , the planar archimedean spiral antenna , the planar equiangular spiral antenna , the monofilar helical antenna , the conical helical antenna with fixed ascending angle and the conical equiangular - spiral antenna were analyzed through the moment method . all of the results matched fairly well with the references and experiment results


  1. "积分函数核"英文
  2. "积分耗散不等式"英文
  3. "积分号"英文
  4. "积分号星系"英文
  5. "积分荷电力"英文
  6. "积分和"英文
  7. "积分和微分"英文
  8. "积分环节"英文
  9. "积分辉光曲线"英文
  10. "积分回旋器"英文


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