
发音:   用"程序设计原理"造句
principle of program design
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  1. This thesis discusses a design of school canteen management system with radio frequency identification 1c card tk5550 . here , i set forth the application of oop ( object _ oriented rogramming ) , database technology in a school canteen database management system
    本论文讨论了一种以学校就餐系统为例的射频ic卡( tk550 )应用系统,着重阐述了以面向对象技术和数据库技术为基础,运用面向对象数据库程序设计原理和思想,进行学校就餐系统后台数据库管理系统的设计。
  2. Based on the requirements of the system the power source , amplify circuits , data gathering and storage circuit and reset circuit were designed . the software of this system was programmed with c language of mcs - - 51 single chip microcomputer that is a language of structijral programming language , cofltains many " characters of advanced ianguages and has the functions of assemble 1anguage . the software of the system was designed with structural program module that make the sttucture of software clear and convenience debug and modify
    其中系统硬件设计主要是采用mcs ? 51单片机为肌肉嫩度测量仪的核心,进行了系统电源设计、放大电路设计、数据采集和存储电路设计、复位电路设计;软件设计使用单片机c ? 51语言,它是一种结构程序设计语言,兼顾了多种高级语言的特点,并具备汇编语言的功能,根据程序设计原理,采用结构化程序设计,使软件结构清晰。


  1. "程序设计语言中的类型"英文
  2. "程序设计语言中的语义关系"英文
  3. "程序设计语言子集"英文
  4. "程序设计语义学"英文
  5. "程序设计预测"英文
  6. "程序设计员"英文
  7. "程序设计员程序设计器程序装置"英文
  8. "程序设计员的协奏曲"英文
  9. "程序设计约定"英文
  10. "程序设计站"英文


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