
发音:   用"空心楼板"造句
cassette ceiling
cored ceiling
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  1. Fire resistance tests for service installations - part 6 : raised access and hollow core floors
  2. Fire resistance tests for service installations - part 6 : raised access and hollow core floors ; german version en 1366 - 6 : 2004
  3. Compared with the normal flat - plate floor , the cast - in - place reinforced concrete hollow flat - plate floor has two special characteristics . to produce the hollow floor , the hollow columns are pre - buried in the floor . there are concealed wide - flat beams between the frame columns
  4. Indicated from the results : influenced by geometric parameters analyzed above , the effect on tube filler hollow floor is similar with box filler hollow floor ; though differing from section properties between these two structures , the bear bending rigidities in the two perpendicular directions are almost the same
  5. On the basis of summarizing the existing large - span slab structure forms , the author developed the existing circular voided slab into a new large - span slab system , rc bi - direction cellular slab , which , specialized itself as bi - direction from a macro point of view , could not only reduce the tare weight of slab , but also expand slab span
    本文在总结已有大跨度楼板结构形式的基础上,提出了一种新型的大跨度楼板体系? ?钢筋混凝土双向空腹板,该类楼板体系是现有圆管式空心楼板的延伸,不仅能减轻楼盖自重、增大板跨,而且还具有宏观上双向性的优点。


  1. "空心粒子"英文
  2. "空心莲子草"英文
  3. "空心梁"英文
  4. "空心零件预应力处理"英文
  5. "空心柳"英文
  6. "空心楼盖"英文
  7. "空心楼梯栏杆柱"英文
  8. "空心炉条"英文
  9. "空心轮"英文
  10. "空心轮辐"英文


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