
发音:   用"空气污染物排放清单"造句
air pollutant emission inventory
  • 空气:    air; atmosphere
  • 排放:    discharge; blowoff ...
  • 清单:    inventory; reperto ...
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  1. Compile a regional atmospheric emissions inventory for the two governments to evaluate the progress and effectiveness of the air pollution control measures
  2. We will also complete a manual for compiling emissions inventory to enable both sides to follow a consistent approach in assessing emission levels and progress of emissions reduction tasks
  3. Initiatives under the management plan include implementing a package of enhanced air pollution control measures ; compiling an inventory of air pollutant emissions in the region ; and setting up a regional air quality monitoring network
  4. The department from both sides will also formulate a ? 003 prd regional emissions inventory ? based on the " handbook on preparation of air emissions inventory in the pearl river delta region " so as to evaluate the changes in the air pollutant emissions of hong kong and guangdong since 1997
    两地环保部门亦会按照《珠江三角洲地区空气污染物排放清单编制手册》的建议,编制《二三年珠江三角洲地区空气污染物排放清单》 ,评核自一九九七年以来,两地排放空气污染物的变化。


  1. "空气污染物监测实验室"英文
  2. "空气污染物浓度"英文
  3. "空气污染物浓度;空气污染物含量"英文
  4. "空气污染物浓度极限"英文
  5. "空气污染物排放"英文
  6. "空气污染物源"英文
  7. "空气污染物质"英文
  8. "空气污染限制委员会"英文
  9. "空气污染消除"英文
  10. "空气污染消减通知"英文


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