
发音:   用"符号运算"造句
symbolic operation
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  1. Wolfram research is the creator of the excellent software - mathematica , which is the world ' s only fully integrated environment for technical computing
  2. The jacobian matrix of the 6 - prrs parallel robot has been computed by two methods . one is differential coefficient based on symbol operation , the other is vector construction
    对于6 - prrs并联机器人的雅可比矩阵,分别使用了基于符号运算的微分构造法和矢量构造法进行求解,并验证了两种方法的正确性。
  3. Finally , we study the ( 2 + l ) - dimension nonlinear dispersive long wave equation skillfully , we find the self - transformation between the two equations and turn the ( 2 + l ) - dimension nonlinear dispersive long wave equation into a simple ( 2 + l ) - dimension pde . then , with the homogeneous balance method we obtain the hopf - cole transformation between the ( 2 + l ) - dimension pde and the heat equation . through it , we obtain abundant exact solutions of the ( 2 + l ) - dimension nonlinear dispersive long wave equation with the matlab , including the multi - solitary wave solutions
    ) : = 0 . ( 2 )巧妙的发现了( 1 )与( 2 )之间的自变换,将这个方程组转化为一个简单的偏微分方程,并利用齐次平衡法得到了此方程与热传导方程之间二维形式的物pf - cofe变换,从而借助m胡ab的符号运算得到了2 + l维非线性色散长波方程包括多孤子解在内的多种新精确解。
  4. So far , there is no effective method for the computation of focus quantities and saddle quantities . compared with the work of other authors , complex nonlinear integrating operation and solving multivariate linear equations are avoided in computation , which are necessary in more usual approaches . the calculation and simplification of focus quantities can be readily done with these formulas and computer symbol operation systems
  5. The workload is enormous and it is very difficult to guarantee the exactness of the result , so it is very valuable to develop a set of computer - assisted software for founding the state equations and analyzing the correlative properties of system over the field f ( z ) of the rational functions in multi - parameters
    而此过程涉及到人工分析系统结构及复杂的矩阵符号运算,工作量巨大,且很难保证结果的准确性。因此,开发一套建立f ( z )上系统状态方程系并能进行相关性质分析的计算机辅助软件便极有价值。


  1. "符号源程序"英文
  2. "符号源子句"英文
  3. "符号远程编码"英文
  4. "符号约定"英文
  5. "符号约定缺省规则"英文
  6. "符号运用不能"英文
  7. "符号再现表象阶段"英文
  8. "符号栈控制字"英文
  9. "符号侦错信息"英文
  10. "符号之"英文


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