
发音:   用"管理水平提高"造句
management development
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  1. Project management has been paid more and more attentions as a subject , a specialized field and a profession in china
  2. Develop transforming to the tradition business management information system , and has effectively promoted marketing scope enlargement and business administration standard to raise
  3. On the other hand , smes urgently need the integrated solutions such as erp to accelerate self - innovation to improve the level of management and the enterprise competition ability
  4. The forth part is about the r & d internationalization for huge transnational corporations and their growing up . it analyzes the effects on the promotion of organism structure reform and enhancement of its management level by r & d internationalization of huge transnational corporations
    第四章是大型跨国公司r & d国际化与自身成长,分析了大型跨国公司r & d国际化对跨国公司组织机构变革的推动以及对其管理水平提高的影响。
  5. Although from nineties of 20 century , along with the computer hardware and software " s application level in domestic power industry are continuously increasing , such that the mis in some advanced region or business enterprises are successful applied , the distribution production management ' s own specialty and complexity still result in a series of problems such as the operating effect just so - so and the promotion of management level not too obvious


  1. "管理数据询问系统"英文
  2. "管理数据中心"英文
  3. "管理数量学"英文
  4. "管理数学"英文
  5. "管理水平"英文
  6. "管理税"英文
  7. "管理税务"英文
  8. "管理顺序"英文
  9. "管理硕士"英文
  10. "管理硕士学位"英文


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