
发音:   用"类库参考"造句
class library reference
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  1. Additional code examples are available in the class library reference documentation
  2. Namespace are in the . net framework reference class library section . reference topics for the
    命名空间的参考主题位于“ . net framework类库参考”一节中。
  3. The documentation for the . net framework includes an extensive class library reference , conceptual overviews , step - by - step procedures , and information about samples , compilers , and command - line tools
    . net framework的文档包含扩展类库参考、概念性概述、逐步骤的过程和有关示例、编译器和命令行工具的信息。
  4. The sdk also provides documentation that includes an extensive class library reference , conceptual overviews , step - by - step procedures , tools information , and tutorials that demonstrate how to create specific types of applications
  5. In the requirements section of some . net framework class library reference pages , the term common language infrastructure standard indicates that the member on that page is specified in ecma - 335 and iso iec 23271 governing the common language infrastructure
    在某些. net framework类库参考页的“要求”部分, “公共语言基础结构( cli )标准”这一术语指的是:该页上的成员是ecma - 335和iso / iec 23271标准中指定的成员。


  1. "类空矢量"英文
  2. "类空事件"英文
  3. "类空线"英文
  4. "类口"英文
  5. "类库"英文
  6. "类框图"英文
  7. "类矿物"英文
  8. "类矿物油保湿剂"英文
  9. "类蜡"英文
  10. "类蜡色素"英文


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