
发音:   用"精细模型"造句
detailed model
model detailed
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  1. Abstract : through study on energy dissipation of goupitang project on the wu - jiang river , the velocity field in the water cushion pool downstream ski - jump or drop was measured by hot - film anemometers on a fine model with scale 1 380
    文摘:结合乌江构皮滩水利枢纽工程消能问题研究,用热膜流速仪在比尺为1 380的精细模型上量测了拱坝挑跌流在水垫塘内的流速场,并由试验成果分析了淹没射流在水垫塘内的消能过程,计算了消能率。
  2. On the basis of former working experience ( reference literature ) , and using methods of 3d seismic data interactive interpretation systems including logging constraint seismic inverse technology , an exact geologic model of kinxi area including recent exploration wells , borehole loggings , well loggings , and complete 3d seismic data has been established . there exist two kinds of hydrocarbon pool - forming models , these being the lateral and vertical migration - accumulating models . using as the base of the dynamic systems for pool - forming , all associated reservoir types and d istribution have been studi ed , incl uding accumulation and pool - forming models


  1. "精细开发"英文
  2. "精细颗粒微型结构"英文
  3. "精细控制"英文
  4. "精细控制灵敏性"英文
  5. "精细麻布"英文
  6. "精细磨粉机"英文
  7. "精细磨砂"英文
  8. "精细木工"英文
  9. "精细木理 即生长速度慢者其年轮狭小者称之"英文
  10. "精细腻生成"英文



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