
发音:   用"纵向平面"造句
fore and aft plane
fore and aftpiston
fore-and-aft piston
fore-and-aft plane
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  1. Thus the flight dynamic characteristics and control features in the conversion mode are the key technologies in the whole tilt rotor design
  2. The central contents in this paper is : first , the reference frame is defined and the movement equation and the transfer function of the body are proposed in portrait plane . so the module of the center of mass stabilization loop is proposed
  3. To solve the problems caused by the varieties of the missile dynamics with the difference of flight height , velocity and attitude angle in modeling the missile , in this thesis , the theory of variable structure model reference adaptive control is used to design a pitch channel autopilot based on a longitudinal missile model , the status equation using the measurable parameters of load and angular rate is established , and the methodology to choosing the reference model is discussed also , and the performance of the controller is analyzed by means of simulation


  1. "纵向偏差"英文
  2. "纵向偏移角度"英文
  3. "纵向漂心"英文
  4. "纵向平等见横向平等与纵向平等"英文
  5. "纵向平衡"英文
  6. "纵向平面波"英文
  7. "纵向平铺"英文
  8. "纵向平铺窗口"英文
  9. "纵向平移断裂作用"英文
  10. "纵向评价系统"英文


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