
发音:   用"线吸收"造句
discrete absorption
line absorption
  • 线:    thread; string; wi ...
  • 吸收:    absorb; suck up; s ...
  • x射线吸收:    x ray absorption; ...
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  1. Use of dual - energy x - ray absorptiometry and bioelectrical impedance analysis measurement in malnutrition patients
  2. Comparison of dual energy x - ray absorptiometry and tibial quantitative ultrasonometry in the measurement of bone mineral density of 1596 healthy women
  3. All subjects underwent spirometry , measurement of aortic pulse wave velocity ( pwv ) and augmentation index , dual - energy x - ray absorptiometry , and blood sampling for inflammatory mediators
  4. All subjects underwent spirometry , measurement of aortic pulse wae elocity ( pw ) and augmentation index , dual - energy x - ray absorptiometry , and blood sampling for inflammatory mediators
    所有受试对象都进行肺活量测定、主动脉脉搏波速( pw )和增强指数测量、双能x -线吸收仪检查,以及炎症介质血样检测。
  5. Methods condylar compressive mechanical properties and its bone mineral content were analyzed quantitatively by compressive mechanical property measurement technique and dual energy x - ray absorptiometry in 6 and 6 adult dogs undergone either high shaping or reconstruction of condyles respectively , and compared with 12 normals
    方法采用压缩力学性能测试技术和双能x线吸收法,定量分析12侧正常、 6侧髁突高位切削术及6侧关节重建术的成年杂种犬髁突的压缩力学性能和骨矿含量。


  1. "线务员"英文
  2. "线务员, 线路工人, 护路工, 养路工"英文
  3. "线西"英文
  4. "线西乡"英文
  5. "线吸附免疫电泳法"英文
  6. "线吸收系数"英文
  7. "线系"英文
  8. "线系的"英文
  9. "线系进化"英文
  10. "线系绝灭"英文


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