
发音:   用"线性反演"造句
linear inversion
  • 线性:    linear; linearity
  • :    reverse side
  • :    develop; evolve
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Genetic algorithm and multi - grid technique applied to two - step linear inversion method
  2. As a whole , the result of wave impedances mixed inversion based on genetic algorithms is more satisfactory than that of linear inversion
  3. This paper gained correlation conclusion about linear inversion pass through large numbers of test calculates , put emphasis upon the discussion of run parameters " acquired value extent about this algorithm is applied to wave impedance , gained the reference acquired value extent of run parameters
  4. In this paper , taking the measured error sound velocity profile as the initial guess value , the sound beam travel times and beam angle recorded by the multi - beam system and the generalized linear inversion method are used to get a sound velocity profile close to the actual sound velocity profile , and the inversed sound velocity profiles have contributed to the reduction of sound velocity profile error
  5. Multi - channel deconvolution , based on multi - channel signal analysis , is presented to recover receiver function from three - component teleseismic p waveforms clustered within certain backazimuth and epicenter distance , to increase the resolution of receiver function . wavelet inversion is also introduced to broadband receiver function , to solve for nonuniqueness cased by linear approximation of nonlinear problem , and broadband receiver function is decomposed into multi - resolution versions , and the inversion result for the low - resolution version is iteratively taken as the initial model for the high - resolution , and gradually obtain the inversion model for broadband receiver function


  1. "线性反馈系统"英文
  2. "线性反馈一位寄存器"英文
  3. "线性反馈移动寄存器"英文
  4. "线性反馈移位寄存器"英文
  5. "线性反馈移位寄存器电路"英文
  6. "线性范围"英文
  7. "线性泛函"英文
  8. "线性泛函微分方程"英文
  9. "线性泛函序列"英文
  10. "线性方案计划"英文


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