
发音:   用"线性最小二乘法"造句
least squares
  • 线性:    linear; linearity
  • 最小:    minimum
  • :    two
  • 乘法:    multiplication; 3乘 ...
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  1. The linear least square fit is used in energy calibration and geometry calibration , and the nonlinear least square fit is used in peak fitting and region fitting
  2. In this scheme , the inputs of hidden layer neurons are acquired by using the gradient descent method , and the weights and threshold of each neuron are trained using the linear least square method
  3. Secondly , this paper proposes a neural network training scheme based on the linear least - square method through the characteristic analysis of multi - layered feed forward neural networks , and then applies that to identify a pmsm model
  4. The learning algorithm is only based on linear least squares , and no iterative learning processes are needed . according to the demand of model precision , the algorithm determines the best weights of network and the minimal number of hidden nodes automatically
  5. To overcome the limitations of general fnns and bp algorithm , this thesis introduced a hybrid feed - forward neural network , which is composed of a linear model and a general multi - layer fnn , and proposed a new learning algorithm for the hybrid fnn


  1. "线性组合"英文
  2. "线性组合定理"英文
  3. "线性最佳化"英文
  4. "线性最佳随机系统"英文
  5. "线性最佳系统"英文
  6. "线性最小方差估计"英文
  7. "线性最小平方法"英文
  8. "线性最优化"英文
  9. "线性最优化技术"英文
  10. "线性最优化问题"英文


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