
发音:   用"经常性拨款"造句
recurrent appropriation
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  1. Employees retraining scheme is funded by the employees retraining fund which was set up in 1992
    基金乃于1992年由政府注资成立,自2001 - 02年度起获政府经常性拨款
  2. Employees retraining scheme ( ers ) is funded by the employees retraining fund which was set up in 1992
    基金乃于1992年由政府注资成立,自2001 - 02年度起获政府经常性拨款
  3. An increase in the ceiling of the total notional annual mid - point salary value of non - directorate posts for 04 05 to cater for the creation of 35 supernumerary posts in tid ; and creation of a non - recurrent commitment of 225 million to meet the costs other than salary provision for civil service staff for hosting mc6
    提高工贸署的非首长级职位按薪级中点估计的年薪总值上限,以便在2004至05年度开设35个非首长级编外职位及非经常性拨款2亿2 , 500万元公务员薪金开支除外用以主办第六次部长级会议。
  4. An increase in the ceiling of the total notional annual mid - point salary value of non - directorate posts for 0405 to cater for the creation of 35 supernumerary posts in tid ; and creation of a non - recurrent commitment of $ 225 million to meet the costs ( other than salary provision for civil service staff ) for hosting mc6
    提高工贸署的非首长级职位按薪级中点估计的年薪总值上限,以便在2004至05年度开设35个非首长级编外职位;及非经常性拨款2亿2 , 500万元(公务员薪金开支除外)用以主办第六次部长级会议。


  1. "经常项目顺差"英文
  2. "经常项目余额"英文
  3. "经常项目支出"英文
  4. "经常型"英文
  5. "经常性"英文
  6. "经常性补充援助计划"英文
  7. "经常性财政开支"英文
  8. "经常性成本"英文
  9. "经常性成本 经常性成本"英文
  10. "经常性出版物"英文


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