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  1. The essential of the instability is showed by mathematics method
  2. It is very important to distinguish the qualities of the structural instability , or it is impossible to rightly measure the structural bearing capacity
  3. The stability of the steel structure is an important factor leading to the structure destruction and the elastic stability of the steel frame structure is a predominant topic in the fields of steel structure
  4. At present , the difficulty of the study of tunnel include five factors , first , the unclear model , second , the indistinct criteria , third , all of the problem that we are facing being limited information , the forth , limited knowing of destruction mechanism , the fifth , much indefinites
  5. In the paper , other research results are summarized , and a big test model indoor of row pile retaining and protecting deep foundation pit is designed . for homogeneous soil or samdwich soil structure three different retaining and protecting kinds : dense pile , thin pile and without pile are designed , using excavation simulation and loading on the top of slope , the model test is divided into two stages : foundation pit excavation simulation stage and destroy test stage . in this paper , for three different retaining and protecting kinds , the relation between soil pressure and displacement of piles , the relation between soil stress and strain , interaction of pile and soil and retaining and protecting loss - stability destroy are systemic studied


  1. "结构生物学"英文
  2. "结构升级"英文
  3. "结构剩余度"英文
  4. "结构剩余强度"英文
  5. "结构失调"英文
  6. "结构失稳破损"英文
  7. "结构失稳载荷"英文
  8. "结构失效"英文
  9. "结构施工图"英文
  10. "结构石灰岩"英文


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