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absolute space time
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  1. The equation of the law of universal gravitation is deduced on the basis of einstein ' s relativity with newton ' s viewpoint of absolute space time
  2. From the natural difference between newton ' s absolute viewpoint of space - time and that of special relativity , we can conclude a common way to solute the question about space - time of special relativity
  3. It was just a brain ? ? the brain that dreamed a plastic fourth dimension , that banished the ether , that released the pins binding us to absolute space and time , that refused to believe god played dice
  4. 2 . 5 . 2 relativistic space - time about a century ago , einstein discovered the relativistic space - time and thought that space - time should not be absolute anymore and that absoluteness of space and time was no longer applicable in this space - time
  5. The special theory of relativity lie in the following aspects : the first is that the space - time and the matter is n ' t divided ; with the space - time movement , the matter states of movement is changed ; the second is that it is consistent between time and space ; the third is there being internal and essential contact between time and space , namely , the space being enlarge from the three - dimensional to the four - dimensional


  1. "绝对湿度百分数"英文
  2. "绝对时"英文
  3. "绝对时标"英文
  4. "绝对时间"英文
  5. "绝对时间码"英文
  6. "绝对时空的可感觉量度"英文
  7. "绝对时空间"英文
  8. "绝对时钟"英文
  9. "绝对实操的秦皇岛商业专业招商报告"英文
  10. "绝对实用单位"英文


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