
[ tǒngshuàibù ]发音:   用"统帅部"造句
high command
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  1. The high command was jockeying its force into place for attack .
  2. We had not yet come to appreciate fully the nature of an allied command .
  3. The german army command had from the first regarded the invasion of england with considerable qualms .
  4. But the city was taken on april 12 , 1941 - - much earlier than the high command had anticipated - - by a handful of troops low on ammunition and high on morale , led by a man who was not afraid to seize an opportunity when he saw it
    但出乎德军统帅部的预料, 4月12日即占领贝尔格拉德,被一个勇于抓住机会的人带领着一只缺少弹药但士气高昂的作战小队占领。
  5. Though general meeting of shareholders has final saying upon major decisions , it remains outside of operational management of the company as it does not participate in operational decisions and management of the corporate property . the board is directly responsible for the management of the corporate property . the board as the bridge between investors and the managers is the commander over the economic activities of the company


  1. "统售价格"英文
  2. "统兽总目"英文
  3. "统属"英文
  4. "统属关系"英文
  5. "统帅"英文
  6. "统帅部, 总司令部"英文
  7. "统帅部炮兵"英文
  8. "统帅额尔金"英文
  9. "统帅青凤蝶"英文
  10. "统帅权"英文


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