
发音:   用"罚一杆"造句
one penalty
  • :    punish; penalize; ...
  • :    one
  • :    shaft; rod; bar
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  1. If the player removes the cart and does not play a stroke while standing on it , does he nevertheless incur a penalty for a breach of rule 13 - 3
    如果这名球员移动了球车,但只是站在上面,还没有打出一杆,他仍然还会因为违反规则13 - 3而被罚一杆吗?
  2. 5 . up till now , if you touch a loose impediment through the green that lies within one club - length of your ball and the ball moves , you are penalized one stroke
  3. Until now , if a player s ball is affected by casual water in a bunker , he has the option of coming out of the bunker under penalty of one stroke , but he did not have this option if an immovable obstruction such as steps interfered with his stroke


  1. "罚物游戏"英文
  2. "罚息"英文
  3. "罚下场"英文
  4. "罚小孩站在角落里"英文
  5. "罚薪"英文
  6. "罚一击"英文
  7. "罚因子"英文
  8. "罚饮一杯"英文
  9. "罚则"英文
  10. "罚则;罚款"英文


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