
发音:   用"联名帐户"造句
by installment
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  1. It which bank home has now is ok that which bank home has now is open cosignatory account ? if have , what condition and procedure to need
  2. Cosignatory account needs open what condition and formalities , had better go asking a bank , almost every bank lobby sets advisory office
  3. To hold on the death of any of us any credit balance ( s ) on any account or accounts in our joint names to the order of the survivors or survivor of us without prejudice to any right you may have in respect of such balance securities etc . arising out of any lien , charge , pledge , set - off , counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or to any step which you may deem it desirable to take in view of any claim by any person other than the survivors or survivor of us
  4. To debit to our current account ( s ) ( as the case may be ) any cheques , bills of exchange , promissory notes or orders for payment drawn , accepted or made by us in accordance with our signing instructions overleaf and to carry out any instructions given by us in accordance with our signing instructions overleaf in connection with any account or accounts of any kind whatsoever on our behalf notwithstanding that any such debiting or carrying out may cause such account ( s ) to be overdrawn or any overdraft thereon to be increased but without prejudice to your right to refuse to allow any overdraft or increase of overdraft


  1. "联名上书"英文
  2. "联名声明"英文
  3. "联名声明书, 循环赛, 一系列"英文
  4. "联名业主"英文
  5. "联名拥有人"英文
  6. "联名帐户;共同帐户"英文
  7. "联名证券保管帐户"英文
  8. "联模"英文
  9. "联磨"英文
  10. "联莫救济协调员"英文


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