
发音:   用"聚众斗殴罪"造句
crime of affray
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  1. Either party of the crime of affray must be more than 3 symbolized with villain characteristic of gathering in a crowd to engage in an affray with the inappropriate motive of revenge , ventage of one ' s anger and contention for hegemony
  2. Only when conducting criminals set to practice the affray , the accomplished offence of the conduct of the organ izer will be constituted , otherwise against the converted criminal of the crime the sanction of more serious kind should be imposed according to the specific circumstance
  3. The crime of affray can only be constituted with direct intention . chief of most important elements is defined as the organizer , plotter , musterer and director of the crowd ; active particpant as one who plays a principal role or directly causes death , injury of a person in a affray
  4. Offence against public order reveals the characteristic that crime of affray offend the social relationship protected by our national law , the public order includes the order in the public places as well as the one in non - public spots which is maintained by regulations of public life established under the laws and social public virtues


  1. "聚值集"英文
  2. "聚众"英文
  3. "聚众持械叛乱"英文
  4. "聚众打架"英文
  5. "聚众斗殴"英文
  6. "聚众斗殴罪, 互殴罪"英文
  7. "聚众赌博"英文
  8. "聚众犯规"英文
  9. "聚众犯罪"英文
  10. "聚众结社"英文



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