
发音:   用"聚合分析"造句
cluster analysis
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  1. Aggregation of opinion in group decision making based on intuitionistic fuzzy distances
  2. There are two kinds of dynamic analysis : aggregated analysis based on the from multiple execution of the process model elements and case analysis using one instance of execution of a specific sequence of process elements
    存在两种动态分析:聚合分析(基于多个流程模型元素的执行过程)和实例分析(使用流程元素的特定序列的执行实例) 。
  3. There are one analyzer and several sensors in each domain , and sensors are subordinate to the analyzer . sensors collect audit data , detect anomaly events , and report these to the analyzer in this domain . analyzer integrates information provided by all these sensors , and collaborates with analyzers in other domains in detection and response
  4. This thesis describes in detail the whole process of sensors detect anomaly events in networks , collect audit data , report to superior analyzer , execute response instruction ; and the process of analyzers mine audit data , synthesize information from sensors , cooperate with other analyzers , and make distributed response to attacks


  1. "聚合反应和交链结合"英文
  2. "聚合反应诱导期"英文
  3. "聚合反应原理"英文
  4. "聚合分离器"英文
  5. "聚合分散花构造"英文
  6. "聚合粉"英文
  7. "聚合釜"英文
  8. "聚合改良沥青面层"英文
  9. "聚合改性"英文
  10. "聚合改性玻璃纤维加强混凝土"英文


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