
发音:   用"肥料试验"造句
fertilizer test
manuring experiment
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  1. Fertilizer trials showed a significant potash response in soybean up to 225 kg k2o / ha ( table 2 )
    肥料试验表明,大豆对施用225公斤/公顷k2o有显著的增产效应(表2 ) 。
  2. Adequate k - nutrition resulted in early maturity , maximum yields of nearly 25 mt ffb per ha in a fertilizer experiment and cumulative yield increases of more than 50 % after 6 years of planting in areas of commercial scale when compared with " normal " areas ( = inadequately supplied with k )
    肥料试验结果显示,足量钾肥可促使早熟、最高产量每公顷鲜果串近25吨,在大面积种植条件下,六年累计比对照“常规”地块(钾不充足)增产超过50 % 。
  3. According to the results of wheat variety regional test in huhei province and the fertilizer experiment conducted in wuhan , suizhou and xiangfan , this article reports yield components , population structure , methodology of fertilizing nitrogen and key cultivation techniques of wheat variety zhengmai 9023 in hubei province


  1. "肥料三要素"英文
  2. "肥料施量试验"英文
  3. "肥料施用"英文
  4. "肥料施用法"英文
  5. "肥料施用量"英文
  6. "肥料试验设计"英文
  7. "肥料饲料检查所"英文
  8. "肥料随水施用"英文
  9. "肥料添加剂"英文
  10. "肥料填充物"英文


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